Hello friends I am really very determine in assist a few schools in acquiring a a liberary with lots of fun books to get our kids into reading. I also would like to assist in putting a few computers in these schools so to give the kids a head start with using a computer not just to play games but to assist in looking up home work information. My own daughter was once a student at one of these schools and just encouraged me to donating one of my own computers and it so nice to pop in a see them putting it to goo use.
So I've decided to start Penney's good books and computers in schools charity, but it goes beyond books and computer we here at Penney' Adventure Jamaica will donate 2% of all Package sold to the Penney's charity. This money will be put into and account so to help any children in need. At this time Penney's good charity is in the beginning faze but we accept any used children's book, old workable laptops or computers.